Free car theory

Practice car theory at home for free!

Increase your chances of passing at the CBR with our free car theory test and a free section of our e-learning. Learn the car theory rules and test your knowledge directly from home!

Practice free car exam

Take a free car theory test now! Test immediately whether you are ready for the official CBR car theory exam. Good luck!

Practice free car e-learning

Practice for free with a portion of our car e-learning. This way, you can get acquainted with our method of learning for free and also learn (a part of) car theory for free! Good luck with your free car theory practice!

Free car theory practice?

On, you can try out the online theory for free!

Are you at the beginning of your car theory journey or already in the midst of your preparation? Our free car theory test is an essential step in both cases. If you’ve already studied hard, this is the perfect opportunity to test your knowledge. For those who have yet to start their studies, the trial exam offers valuable insights into what you can expect and which areas you need to focus on.

But there’s more! Thanks to our free e-learning module, you get access to a part of our extensive online car theory course. This not only gives you insight into car theory but also lets you experience how user-friendly and effective our learning tools are. Considering going further with our full products? Then you’ve already had a taste of what’s to come.

Take control and take the first step towards your car theory certificate today! We are ready to guide you on the road to success.

Try out quality car theory products for free!

Ready for the next step?

You have been able to practice for your car theory for free on this page. To pass your car theory exam, we recommend practicing with one of our car theory products. This can be an exam package or a theory package that includes both exams and e-learning.

Car exam package

Have you tried our free car theory tests and want to take your preparation to the next level? Then practice with a car exam package. Each package contains many different car practice exams that are carefully compiled based on current CBR guidelines. Increase your chances of passing and prepare optimally for your exam.

Practice car theory exam

Car theory package

Do you want to prepare optimally for your car theory exam? Then you practice not only with theory exams but also with e-learning. Because a combination of learning and practicing exams is the way to succeed in your car theory exam. Start practicing car theory today and buy a car theory package.

Practice car theory
Practice for free with realistic car theory exams.

Super-realistic exams: Practice for free and with an exam focus for your car theory

Want to practice at home for your car theory? Do it with exams that feel like the real CBR exam. That is what you get when you practice on this website. We have made every effort to closely mimic the ‘real’ CBR exam – in technique and in questioning. This way, you prepare optimally. If you pass an exam with us, then you are ready for the real thing at the CBR. That is the goal. Try it yourself and experience the realistic challenge. A good preparation is crucial, and we are here to help you with that!

Learn the car theory with free car theory e-learning

Want to experience how our online car theory course works? Then start with the free car theory e-learning! This gives you access to certain parts of the complete course, allowing you to learn a portion of the car theory right away. Discover for yourself how our e-learning is structured. Like it? Then you can easily purchase an access code for the full car theory package on this website.

Learn the car theory for free with our free car theory course.

How do you proceed with your car theory?

Your next steps after the free practice depend on your current level of knowledge.

Still learning?
For those who are still fully in the learning phase, our learning packages are ideal. They offer a total package: you can dive into the theory thoroughly and test yourself with practice exams. This gives you a complete preparation for the car theory exam.

Already learned a lot or have a study tool in possession?
Then focus on perfecting your exam technique. Our exam package is specifically compiled for those who already master the theory and mainly want to prepare for the exam itself. With access to as many as 40 unique car theory exams, you can practice extensively and maximize your chance of passing at the CBR.

The development of our car theory exams and e-learning

The compilation of our car theory exams and e-learning modules is the result of thorough research. By monitoring the official CBR exams weekly, we can ensure that our teaching materials are always up-to-date and perfectly match what you can expect on the official CBR theory exam.

Continuous attention to current content and quality
Throughout the year, we monitor changes in traffic rules and CBR exams. Both our e-learning modules and exam questions are immediately adjusted when necessary. Thanks to this constant effort, we offer theory products of the highest quality, which help our customers to learn and practice effectively. Our focus is on your preparation, pass rate, and satisfaction!

Real quality, also for free

We attach great importance to practicing car theory for free. It’s self-evident to us that you want to test our software before you make a decision. That’s why we offer you the same quality, both in our free exams and in the paid versions. In fact, our free exams contain current questions that you may also encounter at the CBR.

Free is a start, but complete preparation is essential
Although our free exams and e-learning provide a good start, they are not sufficient for the official exam. For a solid preparation, it is essential to go through the entire theory and practice with various theory exams. This is how you optimally prepare for the actual CBR exam. Therefore, consider purchasing one of our complete theory packages for thorough preparation.

Only learn your car theory with quality learning materials.
Practice for your theory with realistic exams and quality e-learning.

Practice extensively with our exams and online theory course!

The best preparation for your car theory exam? That’s a combination of learning the theory with an online theory course and taking exams. By practicing with them frequently, you’ll master the theory material and pass each exam. With our theory package, you get access to both an extensive online theory course and 40 unique practice exams. This is how we ensure together that you are optimally prepared for the real CBR exam.

You’re not alone. We are here to support you at every step. Find out more about what our theory packages have to offer by clicking on one of the buttons below.

Car exam packageCar theory package
Start today!

Starting with car theory practice is very simple

Car exam package

Ready to pass your car theory exam with confidence? Practice with our car exam package. It gives you a clear picture of what is needed to succeed. Our experience shows that success in our exams often leads to success in the real exam. Interested? Click below and start practicing right away.

Practice car theory exam

Car theory package

Maximum preparation for your car theory exam? Our car theory package combines learning theory with realistic exam practices. Start learning, practice with exams, and improve yourself where necessary. The perfect preparation for success. Ready to start? Click below and start right away!

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Practice theory for free

We have free theory available for you to practice with at no cost. Choose your category below. Good luck with your practice!